Sprains to ligaments are very common. The injury causes bruising and swelling to develop over the affected area. Commonly, pain and discomfort may persist for up to 2 months or more from the time of the injury but not in such a severe
An X-ray may or may not have been necessary to assess your injury.
The treatment recommended is to wear the supporting stocking provided; this should be removed if you are able to rest with your limb elevated. It should be reapplied when you are up and
Minor sprains are best treated by gentle exercise to prevent stiffness. You should take the painkillers recommended regularly to relieve the
The application of an ice-pack (not directly in contact with the skin) may help to reduce the bruising and
If the pain persists seek the advice of your own doctor if we have no arrangements to see you again.
Exercises for Wrist & Hand |
Sit comfortably with your hands resting on a table. |
1. Make a fist, then stretch fingers out. |
2. Trace your fingers with your thumb. |

3. Turn palm up to ceiling and down to the floor

4. With forearm flat on a table, lift your wrist up and down.
5. Using a soft ball, e.g., tennis ball, in the palm of your hand, squeeze gently and relax |
Start off doing each exercise 2 - 3 times, and thengradually increase to 15 - 20 times, preferably twice daily.
If your hands get very painful, sometimes putting a rubber glove on and soaking for 5 minutes in warm water then wrapping in a towel helps. |